Yes, UFOs and aliens are real, and they have been visiting Earth throughout our history.
They’re even here today. And they’re vastly more advanced than us.
A few decades ago, belief in intelligent life outside of Earth - aliens - was still more often ridiculed than not. Today, it’s a very different story. It’s more absurd to not believe in it.
As our understanding of other planets, the Solar System and the universe grows, we are collectively realizing that intelligent life simply must exist outside of Earth.
But even though attitudes are changing, there’s still a fair way to go until sincere, open discussion in the mainstream becomes the norm.
People deserve to know the truth, and The Aetherius Society has been helping to spread and act upon the truth about UFOs and alien life since the late 1950s.
You may be finding it difficult to uncover the truth on this subject with the government coverups and fakes. But if you’re hungry for the truth then don’t give up.
In the words of Master of Yoga and contactee Dr. George King, "...if you’ve taken to truth, and you’re searching for truth, you will find it—that’s the law. You’ll find it." When you do find it, it is your opportunity to become a better, wiser person. Read on and discover the truth about UFOs and alien life – and most importantly the spiritual implications.
UFO literally means ‘Unidentified Flying Object,’ and could refer to anything that meets that description, but the term is now often used to refer to alien spacecraft. These craft are also referred to as “flying saucers”, “cigar-shaped objects” or “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAP).
Of course, many objects first thought to be alien spacecraft, turn out to be other things. But there are still some that simply can’t be explained by conventional means.
Some people have had spectacular sightings, clearly seeing a craft, and occasionally even extraterrestrial beings. But most sightings are limited to seeing distant lights in the skies - usually witnessed by one person or just a few. Occasionally larger numbers of people have the same sighting, such as the Phoenix Lights in 1997 which were seen by thousands of people.
There are many things that can make people think they have seen an alien spacecraft when they actually haven’t, such as satellites, planes and sky lanterns (sometimes known as Chinese lanterns).
However, some UFOs display very unusual behaviours that don’t fit with these, or indeed with any known terrestrial technology or phenomena, such as:
Some people have had a closer view of a UFO and these sightings often result in descriptions of craft similar to the one below.
Dr. King has not only seen these and other types of craft, but has even been inside some of them. His descriptions show there is no doubt that they have far superior technology to anything created on Earth.Of their ability to suddenly change direction at high speed, Dr. King says:
“They are propelled by a magnetic device which exerts an equal thrust upon every atom of substance within the ship, thereby cancelling out any effects of gravitational weight which may be caused by high acceleration within the gravitational pull of a planetary body.”
Of their ability to become invisible he says:
“Some vessels from Interplanetary Parliament can be dematerialized at will by their operators and the vibratory octave of their existence so changed as to become invisible to our eyesight. The phenomena has been noted on numerous occasions by aircraft which have been pursuing these flying saucers.
“Invisibility can also be brought about in another way. At times the operators of Scout Vessels and Mother-Ships choose to rotate the streams of photons around their craft in a 360 degree arc, thereby rendering themselves invisible to the ordinary eye.”
While Dr. George King is not the only person to have had contacts with beings from other worlds, he is definitely one of the most remarkable. He was indeed a rare individual – unique in the history of Earth.
He was chosen by the Cosmic Masters - advanced intelligences from other worlds - for his outstanding yogic abilities and dedication to truth. They designated him their "Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel." He wasn’t their only channel, but he was their most important one. He was in communication with Cosmic Masters - beings from higher levels of existence on other worlds - from the time they first contacted him in 1954 through to his death in 1997.
During this time he received a vast amount of spiritual teaching from these intelligences in various ways, including by telepathy, and also by entering a positive samadhic yogic trance in which he allowed them to speak through him.The teachings given in this way are termed “Cosmic Transmissions” – of which there are more than 600. The audio recordings or transcriptions of many of these are available on this website. They cover a wide range of topics but there are some core themes running through them, the most prevalent being selfless service to others and that the Mother Earth is quickening her vibrations onto a higher spiritual frequency.
The spiritual teachings about UFOs on this website have come either from Dr. King directly or from the messages that he has channeled from Cosmic Masters who live on the higher realms of other planets, as well as Ascended Masters and unascended Earth people living on the higher realms of Earth.